Another White lion cub was born in the Kruger National Park, Ngala game reserve announced that one of their rangers spotted the white lion cub.
Last week Ngala Game Reserve reported on their Facebook page that one of the young Birmingham lioness gave birth to 4 cubs and one happens to be a white lion cub.
Ngala is a unfenced private Game Reserve between Timbavati Nature Reserve and Orpen camp in the Kruger National Park, because it is unfenced some of the lions which reside in Timbavati are sometimes seen inside the Kruger, male lions may have a pride in one of the game reserve as well as another pride inside the Kruger.
At the moment there is one existing wild white lion in the Kruger, which belongs to the Mountain pride and was fathered by the Shishangaan males and is usually found around Singita, he is a sub-adult now and still has not been ousted from the pride.
Wild whites lions are found naturally in the Timbavati Game Reserve, the ‘white gene’ is unique to this area, white lions are not albinos but a unique white lion gene is carried by certain of the tawny colored lions.